Monday, December 23, 2013

December 19th - A Beautiful Messy Christmas

The Christmas Story - A Beautiful Mess

Mary was a young Jewish girl from a poor family.  She was rightfully engaged to a carpenter named Joseph.  As she waits for her wedding day to arrive, an angel named Gabriel visits her and tells her that she is pregnant through the Holy Spirit, even though she is a virgin.  He says that she has been chosen by God because of her faithfulness.  However, it doesn't seem like much of a “reward” since, on top of the social disgrace, a woman could rightfully be stoned for such an offense in those days.

A beautiful mess.

Thankfully, Joseph is a gracious man.  When he finds out that his fiance is pregnant, knowing the child is not his, he decides to break up with her quietly.  But before he can do so, an angel visits him in a dream and tells him that Mary is carrying the Messiah, conceived by the Holy Spirit.  Despite the social humiliation he will also face, Joseph takes Mary as his wife as God told him to do.

A beautiful mess.

As if all of this was not hard enough, Caesar Augustus decides to count those that were left living in the Roman Empire thus requiring Joseph and Mary to travel about 70 miles at the very end of her pregnancy.  The journey right to Bethlehem takes 3 or 4 long days with Joseph on foot and Mary riding on a donkey.  One might think that God’s favored one could be spared such a painful journey.

A beautiful mess.

Mary and Joseph finally arrive in Bethlehem.  They are most likely exhausted, especially Mary.  But once they had reached Bethlehem, they went left and right looking for a place to stay. No rooms were left in Bethlehem. And of course, this is when Mary goes into labor!  A kind innkeeper allows them to stay right in his stable with the animals.  It is here that Mary gives birth to her first child, and lays him to sleep in the animals’ feed trough.  No doubt, this was not exactly what Mary had envisioned.

A beautiful mess.

On the night Jesus is born, angels appear to a group of shepherds tending their flocks in a field right near Bethlehem.  One of the angels tells them that the Messiah has been born that night, and the shepherds decide to go right then to see the baby.  Shepherds were filthy from being in the fields for long periods of time keeping track of their sheep, and were considered ceremonially unclean.  It didn't get much lower in status in that society than shepherds…  Not exactly the first visitors one would want coming to visit their newborn baby.  But the shepherds came, and they went out spreading the good news that the Messiah was born.

A beautiful mess.

Wise men spotted a new star right in the sky which marked Jesus’ birth, and they came from the east to find the right baby the prophets had foretold.  Along the way, they visit King Herod, and ask him where the right baby is.  Herod, who feels threatened by the new “king of the Jews”, gathers all of the important people left in the area and plots to kill Jesus.  As a gift, one of the wise men brings Myrrh, a perfume used to anoint dead bodies… a symbol of the suffering Jesus would endure 30-some years later. 

A beautiful mess.

Jesus grew up, led a sinless life, taught many people, healed the sick, was persecuted and tested … and then in his early 30’s, condemned to a brutal death by crucifixion to pay the debt for our sins that we could never pay ourselves. 

The biggest “beautiful mess” of all time.

At Christmas, as we celebrate the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth, remember how God wove all of the messy, unexpected pieces together to bring about something amazing when he sent his only son for us. 

What's Ahead: January 9th

  • Bunco Time!!
  • Individual Challenge: bring a friend to MOPS
  • Food/Drinks provided by all groups

Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

See you in 2014!!!

MOPS at The Grove
The Grove Baptist Church
12300 County Line Road
Madison AL 35756
Pastor Ross Clemmons
Children's Minister Lottie Partridge
Phone: 256-233-2080

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