Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Forgiving Myself by Clair Boone

There’s a voice in my head that sometimes whispers, sometimes booms loudly. It tells me I’ll never amount to anything, and that I’m failing as a mom.

I’m familiar, and even good at, forgiving others. Turning off that voice inside my head and forgiving myself is more difficult.  Like a loud gong, the voice pounds unmercifully and whispers that I’m not good enough.

It’s allowing my children more time in front of the TV on a rainy day, or forgetting something they needed, or giving in to a piece of candy right before bed.  Whatever the voice, I’m sure you know how it feels.

Sometimes I find myself in the comparison trap, and the voice gets a little louder as I consider the “better than me” mothers around me. You know the ones. You’re fairly convinced they wake up by 4 a.m., milk a cow, make cinnamon rolls from scratch for breakfast and still manage to keep up with the laundry.

The only problem with the voice in my head is this: It doesn’t know I’m forgiven. It missed the part where a gracious and loving Father came and called you … and me … by name.

When we demand perfection from ourselves we ignore God’s grace – a grace that says you are enough, I forgive you, now forgive yourself.

He forgave me and he forgave you and to live requiring ourselves to be supermom on a daily basis is impossible. That little voice takes a lot of the joy out of motherhood, but you can learn to turn it off and embrace grace.

God chose you – specifically – to be your child’s mom. That little voice takes a lot of the joy out of motherhood, but you can learn to turn it off and embrace grace. You are right where you belong, and you are part of God’s amazing plan for your child. Give yourself some grace!

~ Clair Boone

Clair Boone, a mom of two, is a Slow Cookin' Queen who loves trying out easy crock pot recipes for her family that Moms, short on time and money, will love. Find her and her weekly Slow Cooker Mondays recipes on her blog, Mummy Deals:  http://mummydeals.org/category/slow-cooker-mondays/

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